Hagay  Shefi
48 Howard Park Dr. Tenafly, NJ 07670
Born: October 24, 1966.  Died in the terror attack on WTC-09/11/01

(For Hebrew please look down Page)

Summary: CEO with track record of Global execution and management of high tech companies. Proven expertise in growing business from infancy to leading market
position via organic and M&A activities; leadership skills and extensive experience in staff management, sales, marketing and development on a Global basis. Keynote
speaker in many industry conferences (worldwide), press interviews including TV. Hagay was killed while being  a Keynote speaker  in a conference
Of directors of Banks assembled on behalf of Riskwaters Group at “Windows on the World”, 106th floor of the northern tower.
03/2001 - 09/11/2001   CO-founder, President and CEO GoldTier Technologies (NJ)
12/2000  -   02/2001     Consultant COO of  VenturiFX (NY)                                   
1997  - 2000                  SunGard  Business Integration  (New York)
                                      SunGard Business Integration (SBI) is a wholly owned
                                     Subsidiary of SunGard Data Systems (NYSE: SDS).
                                      Formerly known as Mint Communication Systems, the
                                      Company was acquired by SunGard from Oshap
                                     Technologies (NASDAQ: OSHSF) in March 1999 for$150mm,
                                      A few days prior to its roadshadow for IPO. SBI is a leading
                                      Provider of middleware software and integration solutions for
                                      top tier financial institutions (clients include: UBS, Morgan
                                      Stanly, Deutche Bank, World Bank, Federal Reserve Bank,
                                      Societe Generale and over 100 others). Since 1997, the
                                      Revenues of the company grew from $3mm to approx.$30mm
                                      Along with staff growth from 50 to 220 worldwide (NY,
                                      Boston, Philadelphia, London, Frankfurt, Paris, Zurich,
                                     Stockholm, Israel, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney)
                                       President and CEO (SunGard Group CEO)
                                        Full responsibility for this leading software provider
                                        of Integration solutions for top tier financial institutions.
                                        220 people under management in 12 locations worldwide.
                                        Key functions under responsibility: Sales, R&D, Marketing,
                                        Client Services, Finance. In addition, member of SunGard’s
                                        Group CEOs team (top 15 managers of SunGard).
                                        Main accomplishments:
·Directed Sales and Marketing expansion to new territories
·Acquired Credo Software Technology and merged its operations into SBI
·Directed major rebranding and marketing campaign, including corporate name change
·Development of new sales channels
·New Product rollouts
1999-1/00        Worldwide Field Operations
Responsibility for global distribution (sales,marketing,client  support,project management).Expanded the worldwide
Distribution channels and established the company’s presence
In Asia pacific. Recora revenues of $20mm. Played
Instrumental role in the preraration of the company for IPO
As well as in the acquisition of the company by SunGard
2/97-1999       President,Mint communication Systems
            Started the company in the US. Established its operations and
            Presence from scratch,including recruitment of 30 people        
            (sales,maketing,development,client support), 15 major
            clients ,marketing and sales campaigns:First year revenues                 
                        totaled $1.7mm followed by over 200% growth in the 2nd year
1995-1997 SunGard Capital Markets (New York)     
                             Managing Director/Americas
Full P&L responsibilities ($15mm) for the North and South America
Of this leading provider of Derivatives and Risk Management
Solutions. Directed staff of 35 locations (NY,
Chicago, Sao Paulo). Key accomplishments include
            Reorganization of  regional operations with major staff recuitment
           Establishment of penetration into South America (Brasil, Chile)
           Successful sales and marketing campaigns including new product roll out
1992-1995 ACT Financial Systems (New York)
Manager, Derivatives Business Group
Responsible for the creation and development of business        
(Worldwide) for tDerivatives Software. Key accomplishments includes:
Product roll out campaigns
·Development of new mathematical algorithms for
Derivatives Pricing
·Focal point for pre and post sales activities
1987 - 1992           Ministry of Defense (Israel)
                                Budget Officer (Army Rank: Captain)
                                 Responsible for $400mm budget of Israel Defense Forces’
                                 Operational units. Responsibilities included budget planning,
                                 Monitoring and execution. Managed staff of 5 offices.
                                 Selected as Distinguished Officer for 1992 by the Chief of       
                                 Staff, General Ehud Barak
MBA/Finance, Bar Ilan University, Israel (1990)
BA, Economics and Business Administration (Magna cum Lauda) Bar Ilan University, Israel (1987)