Closing Words
By Hagay father- Dov Shefi
At the memorial evening to Hagay Shefi (34) who was murdered in the course of 9/11
Terrorist attack and War Crimes committed by Al-Qaeda against thousands innocent and peace loving C I v i l i a n s located at Civilian Target-WTC
Israel Bar Building Tel-Aviv, September 22nd 2011 ( the Date of the attack according the Jewish Calendar)
Dear friends and distinguished guests,
I want to thank each and every one of you that came here to honor the memory of our beloved son Hagay on the day of the 10th anniversary to his death.
I want to thank especially those who contributed to this evening: to my good friend, the moderator Attorney Ilan Bombach and to the distinguished speakers, Mr. Thomas H. Goldberger, the DCM and deputy Ambassador of USA to Israel, Mr. Asher Kutner-former President and CEO that recommended that Hagay would be his replacement. I than to Prof. Uzy. Rabi for his excellent analysis of the raise of the fanatic Islam. I want to commend the wonderful contribution of both my beloved Judith Tamir-Shefi and Shefi Yishai for the exciting film accompanied with Yishai’s Music and for the performance of the three wonderfully songs that one of them “Red Flowers” is calling for the cessation of Wars and bloodshed in the world (Lyric and music by Shefi Yishai).
Our greater family appreciates the contribution of all of you for commemorating the memory of our beloved and admired son. I bless all and hope that the future meetings will be for reasons of joy
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Now, I trust that all of you who came to honor this evening, know that my wife Esther, my son Yishai and I returned 3 days ago from NYC equipped
with many memories which derive from many emotional events that commemorated the 10th Anniversary of 9/11.
We took part in the Inauguration Ceremony of the National Memorial. We were sitting close to Presidents Obama and bush and their first ladies and after listening to their speeches and to the Mayor Bloomberg we waited until they will be the first to honor the Memorial. Short after them, The Memorial was opened at 9/11 only for the families and for US dignitaries. The place has an extraordinary strong impact and soon it will become an international and US icon.
The Memorial, as you may know, consists of two pools that were built on the footprints of the two towers of WTC. The owners of the property –Southern Manhattan Development Corp- decided to waive its right to rebuild on part of this property, as to enable the construction of the Memorial on it.
On each pool there is a fountain with water flowing from the heights down and then to an additional hole on the floor of the pool. One may get the feeling of a process of emptiness. Each family, like us, may have the same feeling since we lost our love one Hagay.
The names of the victims were inscribed on the memorial not according the alphabetic order, but rather according the place where the death occurred. Our beloved Hagay’s name appears on the north pool at parcel N-21. This parcel is dedicated to people that took part in the Conference of Riskwaters Corp., where 100 attendances- directors of NYC’S Bankers at 106th floor came to listen to the keynote speaker Hagay Shefi- President and CEO of GoldTier Technologies Inc of New Jersey.
At dawn the light under the names on the memorial is switched on and they look in the golden color.
The Memorial represents Strength and Beauty and deep idea of
e m p t I n e s s.
I have no doubt that the National Memorial of 9/11 is going soon to be an International Icon. Millions of American as well as Millions of tourists will come to see it. I told Michael Arad, the Israeli Architect of the Memorial what are my thoughts about the Memorial when I met him there. Michael is the son of a friend of mine-Ambassador Moshe Arad.
We also visited two Memorials at New Jersey: One is the “Empty Sky” Monument located by the water of NJ City Park. Here are over 600 names of victims of 9/11 who were residents of NJ. Hagay’s name was there, since he lived and worked in NJ.
The other is the ‘Tear Drop” Monument that Russia donated to USA, after the disaster.
Here are inscribed a l l the names of the victims of 9/11.
LAST Saturday night we were invited together with our eldest son Yishai who as you know is a composer to a Concert performed by the Chelsea Symphony Orchestra at
St. Peters Church, Lexington Ave. corner 52nd St. The Concert was dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. The orchestra performed a sad musical creation composed by our eldest son Yishai in Memory of his young brother Hagay and all other victims of 9/11.We found in the Program the name of Yishai among the names of Aaron Copland, Gian Carlo Menotti George Gershwin, Samuel Barber and John Lennon.
Israel’s Consul General in NY came to honor the event. The music of Yishai was met both by the Orchestra and the crowded audience with great enthusiasm. Yishai was called to the podium and spoke on his creation. After the Concert, many people came to Yishai and to us to express their appreciation to the “Golden Sky”.
Finally I wish to read you the poem of Nathan Jhonathan who dedicated this song in memory of his son. I totally identify with the words of this Song. Its contents represent my love and admiration towards our beloved and admired Hagay.