finance                                  oct


SPEAKER LIST please check back for updates
    •    Steven Crosby, Chief Executive, GSTPA
    •    Mark Dickelman, VP, m-Commerce & Wireless, Bank of Montreal
    •    Dean Douglas, General Manager, Wireless e-Business, IBM Global Services
    •    Joseph Ferra, Chief Wireless Officer, Fidelity Investments
    •    William Friel, Chief Information Officer, Prudential
    •    Michael Fitzgerald, President/COO, NetBank
    •    Mark Greene, VP, Strategy & Solutions, IBM Global Services
    •    Jacob Goldman, Director of Business Development, Ericsson Internet Applications
    •    Jeffrey Henley, Chief Financial Officer, Oracle Corporation
    •    Edward Kountz, Wireless Analyst, TowerGroup
    •    Dave Merrill, Managing Director of Global Client Relations, Omgeo
    •    Robert Lamoureaux, Chief Technology Officer, WorldStreet
    •    Carol Rizzo, Chief Technology Officer, Citicorp.
    •    Eric Sanchez, Senior Analyst, DocuLabs
    •    John Schiable, President, NexTrade
    •    Hagay Shefi, Co-Founder/CEO, Gold Tier Technologies
    •    Lawrence Tabb, VP, Securities and Investments, TowerGroup
    •    Paul Tomasofsky, VP, NYCE Corporation
    •    Ray Volker, Chief Technology Officer, Progressive
          all of the speakers have been either invited or confirmed.